Chanel’s new Spring and Summer style, the most cost-effective, absolute value, we are in line with the principle of pursuing the quality of the counter. Every detail is meticulous. Every stitch and thread is high and demanding. No matter from the shape, comfort, materials, workmanship, packaging, we have made great efforts! Maybe we are not the cheapest on the market, but we are definitely the most cost-effective! You definitely deserve it! Domestic standard code. Spot on sale! !
Material: Penugem de vaca importada original + tecido de penugem importado
Interior: Lycra respirável importada
Sola exterior: abertura do molde original 1:1 com três camadas
Tamanho: Feminino 35??41, (34/42 não reembolsável)

Guia de tamanhos


34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42


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